Have you experienced a high water bill, and wondered if it was caused by any undetected leaks or issues? Champions MUD converted all meters to SmartMeter devices, which can be monitored with an app called EyeOnWater. The EyeOnWater app instantly notifies you of leaks or other issues, rather than finding out on your monthly bill.
Registering your device takes less than 5 minutes and can save you dozens on your monthly water bill. Click here to register
Benefits to the Consumer:
Accurate meter read - only pay for your usage
Proactive water conservation
Access to usage data (daily, weekly or monthly)
Set up warnings/alerts (high usage, continuous usage or leaks)
Your participation in the SmartMeter program will help the District provide more accurate and timely service to our customers.
For more information on registering your SmartMeter, click here. Or watch the instructional video below on how to register your device: